I was recently invited to collaborate with a team now organizing an awesome apologetics event right here in our area: The Bayside Apologetics Conference featuring J.P. Moreland and William Lane Craig. I devour books by these guys and count it an honor to have studied under them during my Biola years. Joining them are two more hard-hitters from Biola University’s Christian Apologetics department: Craig Hazen, and Tim Muehlhoff.
Come hear these top apologists address topics like the existence of God, the Resurrection of Jesus, the existence of the soul, communication keys for apologetics, and religious challenges to the faith.
I’m partnering with Biola University to help get the word out and we’re anticipating 2,300 people from Roseville, Rocklin, Granite Bay and our surrounding area. Please pray local believers would catch the vision, pursue further apologetic study, and then begin developing defenders of the faith in their own churches. This event has the potential to spark more interest in apologetics in our area. Lord willing, this will just be the beginning!
Mark you calendars. The Bayside Apologetics Conference goes from August 27 (7PM-10PM) until August 28 (9AM-1PM). Admission’s just $15. ($25/married couple. $8/student). For more info, e-mail my friend, Dena Jackson: denaj@baysideonline.com.