Want to train your group to defend the faith? Today, I’m officially releasing Lesson 3 of the Accessible Apologetics curriculum: “Evidence for God: Does God Exist?”
It’s full of good stuff I learned from people like William Lane Craig, J.P. Moreland, William Dembski, and others—presented in a way that’s totally approachable. You’ll have fun teaching a session or two with an impromptu skit, making an object lesson out of a Magic 8 ball (or Scrabble tiles) and dealing out a Royal Flush from a deck of playing cards.
Making apologetics accessible can seem tough—especially when you imagine wading through a bunch of scholarly apologetics books and then trying to figure out a way to teach it in a language people can understand. You’ll love the fact that I’ve already done a lot of the work for you.
If you haven’t already, please download the FREE sample lesson and see how easy it is to use my new Accessible Apologetics curriculum.
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