The Virgin Birth: Made up? Copied? Or Real?
On this episode of U2 Have Hope, Carrie Cooper talks with me about the Virgin Birth, focusing on 3 alleged parallel stories from the ancient world. What do Christians need to know in order to respond to the challenge that the story of Jesus’ virginal conception was copied from other religions? That… is what our conversation is all about. This interview is based on my article Did the Church Make Up Jesus’ Virgin Birth?
Mikel Del Rosario - December 13, 2014
Why Believe in the Virgin Birth?

From Series: "U2 Have Hope"
U2HaveHope airs on 91.3 FM KDKR (Dallas/Ft.Worth) and their network stations across the country. This show focuses on teaching listeners the "how to" of bible study as well as introducing basic apologetic topics.
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Ministry Leaders: Want to share this with your group? I’ve created an Accessible Apologetics video lesson for Jr. High and High School students to help you integrate apologetics into your Christmas teaching. It includes 2 videos, a leader’s guide and PowerPoint presentation. Facilitate the entire lesson or let me teach most of it for you via video. It’s all up to you. Watch Jesus In Focus now –>